


Troubleshooting » History » Version 2

Version 1 (Luke Murphey, 09/19/2016 07:11 PM) → Version 2/3 (Luke Murphey, 03/14/2017 05:21 AM)

h1. Troubleshooting

h2. The input isn't responding
Run the following search to see why the input may not be working:

(index=_internal sourcetype=ftp_modular_input) OR (sourcetype=ftp)

h2. The input doesn't seem to listen correctly on Windows (and you are having the input listen all interfaces such as "")

The FTP server will attempt to listen on a port as denoted by your hostname. You should be able to connect to your host by it's hostname as opposed to the IP address. I recommend changing the input to listen on a particular port f this still doesn't work for you.