Dependencies » History » Version 3
Version 2 (Luke Murphey, 03/03/2012 06:23 AM) → Version 3/4 (Luke Murphey, 07/25/2012 05:52 PM)
h1. Dependencies
h2. Application Dependencies
|*Library* |*Purpose* |*Version* |*License*|
|"pyrad": |Python RADIUS library|2.0|BSD|
|"six": |Python 2 and 3 compatibility library |1.1.0 |MIT|
h2. Build Dependencies
|*Library* |*Purpose* |*Version* |*License*|
|"SvnAnt": | Ant SVN integration |Python 2 and 3 compatibility library |1.2.1 |MIT|
h2. Application Dependencies
|*Library* |*Purpose* |*Version* |*License*|
|"pyrad": |Python RADIUS library|2.0|BSD|
|"six": |Python 2 and 3 compatibility library |1.1.0 |MIT|
h2. Build Dependencies
|*Library* |*Purpose* |*Version* |*License*|
|"SvnAnt": | Ant SVN integration |Python 2 and 3 compatibility library |1.2.1 |MIT|