


How to Set Up An Incoming Webhook from IFTTT » History » Version 3

Version 2 (Luke Murphey, 07/06/2017 06:52 PM) → Version 3/4 (Luke Murphey, 07/06/2017 06:53 PM)

h1. How to Set up an Incoming Webhook from IFTTT

You can use IFTTT to push data to your Splunk install via a Webhook. Here is how you do it:

h2. Step 1: Create Input in Splunk

Create a webhook in Splunk if you have not done so already.

h2. Step 2: Configure Maker Channel in IFTTT

Use the Maker channel in IFTTT to push data to your Splunk install. Make a new applet and make sure that the applet is configured with the following:

If you want to upload form data then make sure the following is configured:

# The method is a POST
# The content type is "application/JSON" if you want to send structured data. Otherwise, use "plain/text" if you just want the data ingested as text.
# The body is filled out. If you chose "application/JSON" format, then make sure the data is valid JSON. You can do this by entering the body at and ensuring it is indicated as valid.