


Build script » History » Version 3

Version 2 (Luke Murphey, 02/14/2017 10:43 PM) → Version 3/5 (Luke Murphey, 02/14/2017 10:44 PM)

h1. Build script

h2. Benefits

# Creates a Splunk app file easily (without having to run a bunch of CLI tools manually). It will also populate the build file with things like the build date and perform minification.
# Deploys your changes to a local Splunk install for testing your changes (avoids manually copying the files over).

h2. Structure code layout

h2. Add build script

h2. Make file

h2. Make file

h2. Use the build script

Targets for publishing the Splunk app (the main one):
* package

Targets that help you while developing Splunk apps:
* splunk.deploy
* splunk.start, splunk.restart, splunk.stop, splunk.restart_web
* splunk.deploy_and_refresh

Targets for testing:
* test.run_unit