Bug #1195
Creating two KV store lookups with the same name causes data corruption
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Steps to reproduce:
1) Create a KV store lookup with user A
2) Create another KV store lookup with the same name but in a different app and using another user account
3) Note that the lookup contains the values of both lookups
#1 Updated by Luke Murphey almost 9 years ago
You don't even have to use a different user, just making the same named KV store in different apps triggers the problem.
#2 Updated by Luke Murphey almost 9 years ago
I think this is a Core bug. The endpoint ought to either:
- Treat them as separate lookups entirely
- Generate a 409 error when the second lookup is created
#3 Updated by Luke Murphey almost 9 years ago
- Target version changed from 2.1 to Plus_2
#4 Updated by Luke Murphey almost 9 years ago
Opened a core bug: SPL-114568