Feature #150
Logging Improvements
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
The CEE message format requires some changes to make the log easier to use:
- Add a severity field with the name of the severity
- Add spaces between the fields
- Change category to something that better describes the field for message type (such as name)
#1 Updated by Luke Murphey over 14 years ago
#2 Updated by Luke Murphey over 14 years ago
Additionally, need to make sure that all log fields use the same case (some are upper-case but should be lowercase)
#3 Updated by Luke Murphey over 14 years ago
- Target version set to 0.9 (Beta)
#4 Updated by Luke Murphey over 14 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 30
Changed formatting of field names to lowercase with underscores in r456.
#5 Updated by Luke Murphey over 14 years ago
- % Done changed from 30 to 60
Added space between fields in CEE messages in r457
#6 Updated by Luke Murphey over 14 years ago
Category should probably be event (and category_id should be event_id)
#7 Updated by Luke Murphey over 14 years ago
Added severity description to CEE formatted log messages in r458.
#8 Updated by Luke Murphey over 14 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 60 to 100
Changed event log field "category" to "event" in r460.