Bug #1660
Tests fail due to web-server not starting
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Updated by Luke Murphey about 8 years ago
- The logs indicate that the server was started but the function to start the web-server is being called more than once
21:06:06.960 [exec] Waiting for web-server to start ... Done
21:06:08.964 [exec] Waiting for web-server to start ...Traceback (most recent call last):
It could be that setUpClass() is getting called more than once
Updated by Luke Murphey about 8 years ago
Made setUpClass() reentrant. It still seems that these are being called out of order. I think that the test suite is calling setUpClass() before the entire suite is running. This means that the mere existence of one test cases blocks all of the other ones. Here are the tests that use the test web-server:
- TestWebInput
- TestRawContent
- TestCustomSeparator
- TestBrowserRenderingFirefox (TestBrowserRendering)
- TestBrowserRenderingIntegrated (TestBrowserRendering)
Updated by Luke Murphey about 8 years ago
Since the web-server is using a daemon thread, I think I can have the server setup globally for the test class and let the daemon thread stop itself at the end.
Updated by Luke Murphey about 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100