Bug #1691
Editor doesn't strip extra returns
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Repro steps:
- On Windows: export a lookup
- In Mac: edit the lookup in Excel
- Note: extra return in rows
From the user:
I am using your Lookup Editor app and we are running in to an issue. Just wanted to run it past you and see if you knew of the problem or if there is a way to fix it. I am on a windows box and I can export edit and reimport a csv fine. My co-worker is on a mac. If he exports and makes changes to this csv(via excel) and tries to upload it he is getting an extra return before the data in each row in the first column of the sheet. I have figured out why but don't know of a way to prevent it. His mac is putting a carriage return and a newline at the end of each row but my pc isn't.
The only way I found that I can import the file from his mac is to strip the newlines(LF) before he imports.
Updated by Luke Murphey about 8 years ago
- Target version set to Plus_1