Task #2634
Task #2620: Replace HandsOnTable with jexcel
Run through test plan
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Might need to add note about _time field handling
#1 Updated by Luke Murphey almost 5 years ago
Here are the parts of the text plan that should be focused on:
Users can edit lookups¶
[Automated] The files can be modified in the editor (both KV store and CSV)
New empty rows can be edited (in both KV store and CSV lookups)
Lookups entries can be loaded from other users (KV store only)
Entries are saved in the user selected
Entries from a given user are displayed
The URL is modified when switching user contexts
Rows are deleted under the loaded user
Adding a new row works and doesn't show "null"
[Automated] The user is provided messaging regarding saving edits (that it is in-progress and/or completed)
[Automated] KV store with a hierarchy can be edited
[Automated] KV store that enforces types can be edited (and a warning is shown if an incorrect types)
[Automated] Incorrect values for fields when a lookup has defined types can be edited
Making multiple KV store lookups with the same name is not allowed
A warning is shown if the user does not have permission to view the lookup files
A warning is shown if the lookup file does not exist
[Automated] A warning is shown if the lookup file is too large to modify
Users cannot remove the header
Lookup files that are owned by a user but are actually in the apps directory are saved in the correct location
The lookup backup list is refreshed when saving (CSV only)
[Automated] The editor recognizes the field types (if available) for KV lookups and shows that the value is incorrect (e.g. entering "foo" in a field that expects an number is shown as invalid)
Header is fixed so that it always appears at the top of the editor
If a lookup has no rows, then the editor will display at least one empty row
A warning is displayed if attempting to remove the first row (CSV lookups only)
KV collection time fields can be edited and converted accordingly
Entering a epoch time gets converted to the appropriate string value
Entering a string value gets converted to the appropriate epoch value
Values are loaded upon page load correctly
Users can view and load backups of files (CSV only)¶
Backups are automatically made when a lookup is saved- Loading a backup causes it to be loaded into the editor*
A message is shown when a lookup is loaded
Backups for user lookups work
XSS prevention¶
An imported CSV with scripting doesn't get executed
[Automated] A CSV or KV store lookup with scripting doesn't get executed
#2 Updated by Luke Murphey almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100