Feature #911
Humidity and temperature level chart
Related issues
#1 Updated by Luke Murphey about 10 years ago
- Tracker changed from Task to Feature
- Subject changed from Add humidity level chart to Humidity level chart
- Parent task deleted (
#2 Updated by Luke Murphey about 10 years ago
- Subject changed from Humidity level chart to Humidity and temperature level chart
I am seeing log messages that might indicate temperature settings.
The data contains the following:
Taking a look at the values, it appears it may be broken up something like:
Converting that to decimal gets:
#3 Updated by Luke Murphey about 10 years ago
- Target version changed from 0.5 to 0.6
#4 Updated by Luke Murphey almost 10 years ago
- Target version changed from 0.6 to 0.9
#5 Updated by Luke Murphey over 9 years ago
See the following document for information on the 6e and 6f commands.
Below is a search with the temperature from the thermostat:
sourcetype=insteon_plm from=20.48.61 cmd1=6e | eval temperature=(tonumber(cmd2, 16)/2)
#6 Updated by Luke Murphey about 9 years ago
((category=5 subcategory=b) OR (category=3 subcategory=37)) (cmd1=6e OR cmd1=6b) modem_command_code=50 `get_command_info` | eval temperature=(tonumber(cmd2, 16)/2) | timechart avg(temperature) by from_device_name
#7 Updated by Luke Murphey about 9 years ago
Temperature can be requested by the following command:
| insteoncommand cmd1=6a cmd2=00 device=2c.47.59
You can then evaluate the temperature with the following:
sourcetype=insteon_plm (to=2c.47.59 OR from=2c.47.59) | eval temperature=(tonumber(cmd2, 16)/2)
#9 Updated by Luke Murphey about 9 years ago
- Blocks Feature #1004: Alert: temperature too high or too low added
#10 Updated by Luke Murphey about 9 years ago
Some observations:
- An extended command (| insteoncommand device="20.48.61" command="thermostat_info") gets the data in an extended command response
- This appears to be the set-point data; not the temperature
- A cmd1=6a to a wired thermostat will return the temperature or humidity in the cmd2 field based on the cmd2 of the request (00 = temp, 20 = setpoint, 60 = humidity)
- cmd1=6a commands seem to report the temperature and humidity on wired thermostats
- External temperature can be seen in the 0x73 command with the cmd2 containing the temperature
- The docs indicate that 6E commands report temperature, 6F report humidity
- A command request of 6e to the wired thermostat did not obtain the temperature
- The Insteon app seems to get the data out of the ED 2E command
- Does the 6A command work on wireless thermostats?
- No
- How can the extended command info be parsed for the temperature?
- Can temperature reporting be setup? See "To set a device to get status reporting add a controller of device link with group 0xEF and set 0x2E to 0x08" in http://cache.insteon.com/developer/2441THdev-062012-en.pdf
#11 Updated by Luke Murphey about 9 years ago
This shows the extended commands:
sourcetype=insteon_plm (from=33.dc.e1 OR from=20.48.61 OR from=2c.47.59) extended=1 | eval nice_time=strftime(_time, "%d/%m/%Y %I:%M:%S %p") | table nice_time from data cmd2
#12 Updated by Luke Murphey about 9 years ago
Got a search that parse the extended data:
sourcetype=insteon_plm (from=33.dc.e1 OR from=20.48.61 OR from=2c.47.59) cmd1=2e extended=1 data=01* | eval nice_time=strftime(_time, "%d/%m/%Y %I:%M:%S %p") | eval set_point_cool=tonumber(substr(data,13, 2),16) | eval set_point_heat=tonumber(substr(data,23, 2),16) | eval humidity=tonumber(substr(data,15, 2),16) | eval temperature=((tonumber(substr(data,19,2),16) + 256*tonumber(substr(data,17,2),16))/10)*1.8 + 32 | table nice_time from_device_name temperature set_point_cool set_point_heat temperature humidity
#13 Updated by Luke Murphey about 9 years ago
- Target version changed from 0.9 to 0.10
#14 Updated by Luke Murphey about 9 years ago
- Blocks deleted (Feature #1004: Alert: temperature too high or too low)
#15 Updated by Luke Murphey about 9 years ago
- Related to Feature #1004: Alert: temperature too high or too low added