Feature #956
Run slideshow in new window
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Running a slideshow in a new window will solve several problems:
- Allow hide chrome CSS to be applied instantly (no flashing from the content showing and then hiding)
- Supports all views (not just those that use application.js, dashboard.js)
- Can start the view in the app context, solving problems where the application.js and dashboard.js may not load correctly because the view is being hosted in a different app
Updated by Luke Murphey about 10 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by Luke Murphey about 10 years ago
Starting a show is currently broken because I need to allocate the window in startShow() and then start executeSlideshowCycle().
Updated by Luke Murphey about 10 years ago
The dashboards app doesn't load the progress indicator.
Updated by Luke Murphey about 10 years ago
The progress indicator math is incorrect too.
Updated by Luke Murphey about 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed