Feature #973
Alert: sensor failed to check in
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#1 Updated by Luke Murphey almost 10 years ago
[Leak Sensor Failed to Check In] action.email = 1 action.email.include.results_link = 0 action.email.include.view_link = 0 action.email.inline = 1 action.email.message.alert = At least one leak sensor failed to check-in within the last 24 hours. action.email.reportServerEnabled = 0 action.email.sendresults = 1 action.email.subject = Leak sensor failed to check in alert.expires = 7d alert.severity = 2 alert.suppress = 1 alert.suppress.period = 12h alert.track = 1 auto_summarize.dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 0 * * * * description = Detects when a leak sensor failed to check-in dispatch.earliest_time = -7d dispatch.latest_time = now enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than search = sourcetype=insteon_plm subcategory=8 category=10 modem_command_code=50 all_link=1 `get_command_info` | sort -_time | stats first(command) as command first(_time) as last_seen first(subcategory) as subcategory first(category) as category by from | eval address=from | eval status=if(like(command, "%wet%"),1,0) | inputlookup insteon_devices append=t | search subcategory=8 category=10 address="*" | stats first(status) as status first(last_seen) as last_seen_int last(name) as name last(room) as room by address | fillnull status value="-1" | `timesince(last_seen_int,last_seen)` | where (now()-last_seen_int > 90000)
#2 Updated by Luke Murphey almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100