


Running with Docker » History » Version 5

Version 4 (Luke Murphey, 06/03/2019 08:03 PM) → Version 5/14 (Luke Murphey, 06/03/2019 09:03 PM)

h1. Running with Docker

h2. Prerequisites

You will need to have Docker installed. See

You will also need a copy of the works database (library.sqlite).

h2. Getting the TextCritical Docker image running

h3. Download TextCritical code

Download a zip file of the project from [[]]. You can do this by the "Clone or download" button and selecting "Download ZIP".


Unzip the downloaded file into a directory.

h3. Put a copy of the database in the var directory of the source-code

Obtain a copy of the library of works (library.sqlite) and place it in the /var directory of the source-code (i.e. textcritical_net-master/var/library.sqlite). You can use [["the library of works attached":]] to this wiki entry to get started quickly (although it only includes on work). textcritical_net-master/var/library.sqlite)

h3. Build the docker image

Run the following from the directory where you unzipped the source code. This needs to be the same directory with the file with the name "Dockerfile":

docker build -t textcritical .

h3. Start the docker image

Start the docker image with the following command:

docker run -p 8080:8080 textcritical

You should now be able to access TextCritical on port 8080 on your localhost (http://localhost:8080).