


Running with Docker » History » Version 8

Version 7 (Luke Murphey, 06/03/2019 09:04 PM) → Version 8/14 (Luke Murphey, 06/03/2019 09:11 PM)

h1. Running with Docker

h2. Prerequisites

You will need to have Docker installed. See

You will also need a copy of the works database (library.sqlite).

h2. Getting the TextCritical Docker image running

h3. Download TextCritical code

Download a zip file of the project from You can do this by the "Clone or download" button and selecting "Download ZIP".


Unzip the downloaded file into a directory.

h3. Put a copy of the database in the var directory of the source-code

Obtain a copy of the library of works (library.sqlite) and place it in the /var directory of the source-code (i.e. textcritical_net-master/var/library.sqlite). You can use "the library of works attached": to this wiki entry to get started quickly (although it only includes on work).

h3. Build the docker image

Run the following from the directory where you unzipped the source code. This needs to be the same directory with the file with the name "Dockerfile":

docker build -t textcritical .

h3. Start the docker image

Start the docker image with the following command:

docker run -p 8080:8080 textcritical

You should now be able to access TextCritical on port 8080 on your localhost (http://localhost:8080).

h3. Set the superuser login

Connect to the running Docker image shell. Then initialize the database:

python migrate

Next: create a super user with the following command:

python createsuperuser