


Version 13 » History » Version 2

Version 1 (Luke Murphey, 03/11/2016 06:51 AM) → Version 2/3 (Luke Murphey, 03/11/2016 06:57 AM)

h1. Version 1.3

This version adds:

*Notable changes:*
* Charts of matched terms, works and sections on the search results page
* Search results are now highlighted on the reading page when you open the reading page from search results

*Minor changes:*
* Link to search page now selects the current division
* You can now search for sections without a chapter (searching for "Galatians" will return all chapters of Galatians)
* Searches by a work are no longer case sensitive (searching for "New Testament" will return the same results as "new testament")
* Search results are now sorted by the placement in the book (results for Matthew appear before Mark)

*Bugs fixed:*
* Searches sometimes didn't return all results when a word ended in a sigma