


Information model » History » Version 1

Luke Murphey, 02/22/2013 06:45 AM

1 1 Luke Murphey
h1. Information model
2 1 Luke Murphey
3 1 Luke Murphey
See the "CIM": for details.
4 1 Luke Murphey
5 1 Luke Murphey
|*Field*                 |*Purpose*                                                                          |*Notes*      |
6 1 Luke Murphey
| severity              |The severity of the event                                                    |                 |
7 1 Luke Murphey
| vendor_severity  |The original severity of the event (the Django version)       |                 |
8 1 Luke Murphey
| sql_query            |The SQL query executed       |                 |
9 1 Luke Murphey
| sql_action            |The SQL query action executed       |  UPDATE, DELETE, etc.               |
10 1 Luke Murphey
| module            |The module performing the action       |             |
11 1 Luke Murphey
| vendor            |       |             |
12 1 Luke Murphey
| product            |      |             |