


Restoring Lost User Account » History » Version 5

Version 4 (Luke Murphey, 04/05/2010 05:47 PM) → Version 5/6 (Luke Murphey, 09/30/2010 01:04 AM)

h1. Restoring a User Account From the Command-Line

The command-line interface (CLI) provides a number of mechanisms for managing NSIA if you cannot access the web-interface. To access the CLI, *stop NSIA* stop all instances of NSIA and run the following command from a shell within the bin directory: shell:

java -jar nsia.jar

The interactive CLI will appear. Type help to see all commands. To restore access, use one of the following CLI commands:

* User.SetPassword
* User.Unlock
* User.Enable
* User.Add

For example, if you need to change a user's password do the following steps:

First, start NSIA from the command-line

ThreatFactor NSIA 0.9.9 (
Web server running on:

Interactive console, type help for list of commands

Next, run "User.List" to list the users:

> User.List

Login Name Full Name User ID Status Is Unrestricted
Luke Luke 1 Active yes
John John 2 Active yes
Matthew Matthew 3 Active no
Mark Mark 4 Active no

We are going to use the "User.setPassword" function to reset the password. Run the command with no arguments to see the necessary arguments:
> User.setPassword

Error: too few arguments provided, syntax of the command is "User.SetPassword <username> <password>"

Now run the command to set the password (you don't have to provide the password if you want it to prompt for it):
> User.setPassword Mark

Enter the user's password:
Enter the user's password again:
Password successfully changed

Now shutdown NSIA and restart it using the Windows Service, Unix daemon script or however you usually run it:
> exit

System is shutting down...Done
