


Start Here » History » Version 25

Version 24 (Luke Murphey, 11/28/2010 01:24 PM) → Version 25/27 (Luke Murphey, 02/01/2011 07:09 PM)

h1. NSIA: Network System Integrity Analysis or "Website Intrusion Detection System"

NSIA is a system for detecting defacements, errors, information leaks and other types of security problems on websites and web applications.

* "More information":
* "Screenshots":
* [[Known issues]]

h2. Project Goals

The following are the three main goals of the project:

# Easy to install and setup: must be able to setup monitoring of a website in 10 minutes or less
# Easy to monitor: must be able to set a baseline so that only new issues are generate an alert in 5 clicks or less
# High quality findings: must detect a wide spectrum of issues including security incidents, vulnerabilities, errors and malicious content (e.g. racial aspersions)

Getting the Software

You can download NSIA from "": or "": See the [[Installing NSIA|installation instructions]] once you download it.

h2. Getting Started

* [[User Guide]]
* [[Developer Guide]]

See also the "Quick start guide":

h2. Getting Support

If you need support you can:

* "Create a Support Ticket":
* Email the project leader: Luke at

h2. Getting the Source Code

NSIA is an open source project hosted at "Sourceforge":

You can check out the source code using yourself via the following command (assuming you have "subversion": installed):

svn co nsia

NSIA is distributed under the "Affero GNU Public License": See the [[Developer_Guide|Developer Guide]] to get started.