


ThreatScript Definitions » History » Version 4

Version 3 (Luke Murphey, 04/10/2010 02:02 PM) → Version 4/26 (Luke Murphey, 04/10/2010 02:33 PM)

h1. ThreatScript Definitions

ThreatScript Definitions are written in ECMAScript (basically the same as JavaScript). The ThreatScript definitions return a Result object which indicates whether a match was observed.

h2. ThreatScript Example

Below is an example of a ThreatScript that triggers if the web-page has a form element.

<pre><code class="javascript">
* Name: Example.General.Has_Form_Tag
* Version: 1
* ID: 1000000
* Message: Indicates if the page has as a form tag
* Severity: Low


function analyze( httpResponse, operation, variables, environment, defaultRule ){

var parser = httpResponse.getDocumentParser();
var location = new URL( httpResponse.getLocation() );

//Get a list of all script tags
var tagNameFilter = new TagNameFilter("form");
var nodesList = parser.extractAllNodesThatMatch(tagNameFilter);
if( nodesList.size() > 0 ){
return new Result( true, "A form was detected" );

return new Result( false, "No forms detected" );

h2. Analysis Function

ThreatScripts must provide an analyze function that takes 5 arguments:

| *Name* | *Type* | *Note* |
| httpResponse | | See source:/trunk/src/net/lukemurphey/nsia/scan/ |
| operation | | See source:trunk/src/net/lukemurphey/nsia/scan/ |
| variables | | See source:trunk/src/net/lukemurphey/nsia/scan/ |
| environment | | |
| defaultRule | | |

h2. Baseline Function

ThreatScripts may declare a baseline function that will allow the definition to be configured to baseline itself against the previous a set of scan results. The baseline function is called by NSIA when a user presses the baseline method for a rule. The objective of the baseline function is to view the provided scan results and ignore the particular finding for the given resource in the future. For example, a definition that triggers when the hash of the web-page changes on iframe may define a baseline function that causes it to not ignore a given iframe but trigger unless the web-page hashes changes to yet another value.

whenever a new iframe is an example:

<code class="javascript">
function baseline( environment ){
var previousValue = environment.get("LastObservedHash");

if( previousValue != null && previousValue.getValue() != null ){
environment.set("Hash", previousValue.getValue() );

return true;


h2. Meta-Data

ThreatScripts must provide a meta-data that indicates the following information:

| *Name* | *Valid Input* | *Notes* |
| Name | <category>.<sub_category>.<definition_name> | |
| Version | integer | Should be incremented each time the definition is updated |
| ID | integer | Must be 1000000 or greater (only official definitions can be less than 1000000) |
| Message | message to be displayed when definition matches | |
| Severity| Either: Low, Medium or High | |
| Invasive| Either: True or False (this argument is optional) | |

This meta-data is provided in a comment as name-value pairs (see above ThreatScript example).


h2. Available Packages

A series of packages are available to ThreatScripts in order to perform analysis.

| *Package* | *Class* | *Description* |
|/2.HTTP | URL | Same as |
| TagNameFilter | See |
|<default> | StringUtils | Provides a trim function for Strings, see source:/trunk/src/net/lukemurphey/nsia/scan/scriptenvironment/ |
|/2.ThreatScript | Result | Indicates the results of analysis, see source:/trunk/src/net/lukemurphey/nsia/scan/ |
| DataAnalysis | Provides functions useful for analysis, see source:/trunk/src/net/lukemurphey/nsia/scan/ |