


User Guide » History » Version 10

Version 9 (Luke Murphey, 04/09/2010 12:24 AM) → Version 10/15 (Luke Murphey, 06/26/2010 10:18 PM)

h1. User Guide

h2. Fundamental Topics

* [[Installing NSIA]]
* [[Uninstalling NSIA]]
* [[Upgrading NSIA]]
* [[Database Backup Restore|Database Backup and Restore]]
* [[Getting Definitions]]
* [[Restoring Lost User Account]] (i.e. don't have access to the application and need to restore an administrator account manually)
* [[Troubleshooting]]
* [[Configuring SSL|Configuring SSL for the Web Interface]]

h2. Intermediate Topics

* [[External Logging]]
* [[Incident Response|Using Incident Response Actions]]

h2. Advanced Topics

* [[Writing Definitions]]