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Luke Murphey, 03/05/2017 06:15 AM

1 1 Luke Murphey
h1. Start Here
2 2 Luke Murphey
3 2 Luke Murphey
h2. Why should I use this build script?
4 2 Luke Murphey
5 2 Luke Murphey
This build script will make developing and deploying Splunk apps easier by:
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* *Creating installable Splunk packages* (from a directory with the source code)
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* *Providing a simple method to deploy the changes to an app to a Splunk instance in seconds*; this is useful during development since it will tell the Splunk instance to refresh so that your new content can be tested in real-time
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* *Providing mechanisms for deploying Splunk apps to a production box*. This allows you to install the app remotely and restart the Splunk install accordingly using a Continuous Deployment system.
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* *Improving the performance of apps* with Javascript views by minifying the CSS and JS files
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h2. Requirements
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This build script is based around git (e.g. Github, Gitlab, Atlassian Bitbucket). Thus, you will need to customize it if you want to use another type of source code repository.
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h2. How do I use it?
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h3. Install Java and Ant
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Install Java if you don't have it installed. There is a good chance you already have it so you may want to check.
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Next, install Ant
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h3. Download the build script
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26 3 Luke Murphey
Download the file at Place the resulting file in the source-code repository (at the root of the directory).
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h3. Create a project
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Now, initialize the project but running the following from your source-code directory:
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ant -f basebuild.xml
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This will run through a short wizard to initialize your project. The script will prompt you for a name for your project. The name should be the folder name of the app (like "website_monitoring"), not the human readable name (which would be something like "Website Monitoring").
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Once it is done, it will create a series of files for you.
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Run the following command to test the building of your app:
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You should see something noting that your app package was created.
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h3. Put in your source code, build your app
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Now, make or place your source-code for app in the src/ directory. The code in here should correspond to the contents within your app folder. Thus, your source-code directories will eventually have a structure something like this:
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* *lib/* (this is where build depencies will go, they will be downloaded automatically for you)
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* *src/* (this is where you app code will go)
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** *default/* (where conf files will go)
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** *appserver/* (where static web resources go)
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** *lookups/* (where lookup files go)
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* *basebuild.xml* (contains the main targets you need for building your app that will be used by build.xml)
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* *build.xml* (the main build script; place overrides of the build script in this file)
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* ** (where properties go that need to be included in the source-code repository)
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* ** (where properties go that should _not_ be included in the source-code repository)
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h3. Configure the build script to install Splunk apps
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h2. Contents
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