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Luke Murphey, 11/18/2015 08:12 PM


How can I monitor files via UNC paths?

You can monitor directories and files via UNC paths provided that:

  1. The account that Splunk runs under has access to the UNC path
  2. The input is running on Windows

If you run Splunk under a domain account then you will likely need to update the permissions of the $SPLUNK_HOME\var\lib\splunk\modinputs\file_meta_data directory in order to make sure that the modular input has access to the checkpoint data. If you don't, you will see an error like this:

IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\Program Files\Splunk\var\lib\splunk\modinputs\file_meta_data\6ca8dc8f8956b39f61fb8c69837222ffaa0dae4b5a918cbf130d2284.json'