


Troubleshooting » History » Version 4

Version 3 (Luke Murphey, 04/28/2017 04:58 PM) → Version 4/8 (Luke Murphey, 05/24/2017 04:58 PM)

h1. Troubleshooting

h2. The lookup files cannot be loaded or saved.

Look for applicable log messages with the following search:
index=_internal sourcetype="lookup_editor_controller"

h2. I'm editing the lookup file but the results are not being saved

Check two things to see if there are any errors:

*Check for browser errors*

# Open the console in your browser. See the following pages for instructionsr:,
# Refresh the page and reproduce the issue
# Look for console logs that indicate an error

If someone is helping to troubleshoot the issue, you might want to generate a HAR file. See for details.

*Check for error logs*

Run a search for the following and see if any errors exist:

index=_internal sourcetype="lookup_editor_controller"