


Bug #1246

Some works have no spaces after commas or are missing dashes

Added by Luke Murphey almost 9 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:



Some works include mdash and ndash entities. These are currently not converted by the front-end and are therefore ignored. This causes the commas to be placed directly next the words without a space.

<span class="placename" data-key="tgn,7012913">Danube</span>
,which after all is but a small fraction of this
continent,and, by the destruction of the Persian Empire,
they afterwards added to that the dominion of 
<span class="placename" data-key="tgn,1000004">Asia</span>

Here is the original XML:

<placeName key="tgn,7012913">Danube</placeName>,&mdash;which after all is but a small fraction of this
continent,&mdash;and, by the destruction of the Persian Empire,
they afterwards added to that the dominion of <placeName key="tgn,1000004">Asia</placeName>. 

The actual parsed content in the database does not include the dashes. Thus, this is getting lost in the import process:

<placeName key="tgn,7012913">Danube</placeName>,which after all is but a small fraction of this
continent,and, by the destruction of the Persian Empire,
they afterwards added to that the dominion of <placeName key="tgn,1000004">Asia</placeName>

Apparently, mdash and ndash are various lengths of dashes:

&ndash; is an en dash (–)
&mdash; is an em dash (—)



#1 Updated by Luke Murphey almost 9 years ago

A couple of options:

  1. Add a filter that adds spaces after commas
  2. Fix the importer to include the &mdash entities

I believe the importer is dropping the mdash entities because they are not valid entities; that may be the harder fix.

#2 Updated by Luke Murphey almost 9 years ago

  • Subject changed from Some works have no spaces after commas to Some works have no spaces after commas or are missing dashes

#4 Updated by Luke Murphey over 6 years ago

  • Target version changed from 3.0 to Plus_3

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