Task #2228
Feature #2227: Allow Cloud Installation
Modify setup page to work without a default stanza
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Associated revisions
Making setup page work even if no default stanza exists
Reference #2228
#1 Updated by Luke Murphey almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 40
#2 Updated by Luke Murphey almost 7 years ago
Trying to get Backbone to create the default stanza if it doesn't exist.
- Loading _new and then saving to _new
- Gets an error saying debug is not supported
- Not loading _new and then saving to _new
- Argument "proxy_password" is not supported by this handler.
#3 Updated by Luke Murphey almost 7 years ago
- Where is the "Argument is not supported by this handler." message coming from
- I don't see anything in the RestHandler base class
- This is coming before the REST endpoint runs
- existing stanzas can be edited
- Will setting no properties work?
- Yes it does
- Is execute being called for the create call?
- No, it is being skipped somehow
#5 Updated by Luke Murphey almost 7 years ago
This is weird
The following works:
this.website_monitoring_configuration = new WebsiteMonitoringConfiguration({
user: 'nobody',
app: 'website_monitoring'
this.website_monitoring_configuration.save({}, {
'url' : '/en-US/splunkd/servicesNS/nobody/website_monitoring/admin/website_monitoring/default'
This does not:
this.website_monitoring_configuration = new WebsiteMonitoringConfiguration({
user: 'nobody',
app: 'website_monitoring'
#6 Updated by Luke Murphey almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 40 to 100
#7 Updated by Luke Murphey almost 7 years ago
- Target version changed from 2.6.3 to 2.7