Bug #2369
Time values are not converted properly
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Related issues
Associated revisions
Fixing issue where the time values were getting converted incorrectly
Reference #2369
Fixed time conversion issues with CSV lookups
Reference #2369
Fixed time conversion issues with CSV lookups
Reference #2369
#1 Updated by Luke Murphey almost 6 years ago
- makeRowJSON
- timeRenderer
#2 Updated by Luke Murphey almost 6 years ago
- What happens when a string value is supplied?
- What happens when an epoch is provided?
- [Answered] How does includes_microseconds get set?
- lookupRenderer(): when it sees _time
- getDefaultEditor(): when it sees _time
- Does formatTime get called with microseconds upon load?
- What happens when formatTime is told to use microseconds?
- It edits correctly but gets the wrong value when the lookup is reloaded
- It appears to load a ms value
- It also converts the value to ms when it posts to the endpoint
- [Answered] Where does formatTime get called?
- getTimeRenderer()
- getDefaultEditor(): may only apply to CSVs though
- [Answered] What the use cases?
- Is formatTime() correct to multiply the time by 1000 when it include ms?
- [Fixed] Editing is saving the value with microseconds
- The initial load is assuming that the values include microseconds
- moment assumes that a provided integer has microseconds
- Entering an epoch causes two posts
- Double post is not due to timeRenderer() nor makeRowJSON() changing the time value nor the editor (assigned in "editor:")
- lookupRenderer() is not used for KV lookups
- Getting a source of timeValidator for the second post
- formatTime() is getting the string value in string format that has already been converted
- formatTime() is doing the right thing upon editing
- The persisting to the KVstore collection isn't causing the problem
- Not setting the column type to "time" in TableEditorView::getColumnsMetadata()
- There is a correctTime format option: https://handsontable.com/docs/7.0.0/demo-time.html
#3 Updated by Luke Murphey almost 6 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
#4 Updated by Luke Murphey almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
#5 Updated by Luke Murphey over 5 years ago
- Copied to Bug #2387: Time values are not converted properly for KV store lookups added