Feature #2679
Feature #2632: Conversion to React-Semantic
Feature #2655: Reader View
Handle notes
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% Done:
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 5 years ago
<span class="label note hide" id="content_for_75c858f5">Preface<i class="icon-info-sign icon-white note-tag" id="67dee110"></i><span class="label note hide" id="content_for_67dee110">This preface of Josephus is excellent in its kind, and highly worthy the repeated perusal of the reader, before he set about the perusal of the work itself.</span></span>
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 5 years ago
Why does the note dialog appear in the wrong place.
Obs:- Word click has much lower values (33, 157)
Qs: *
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100