Feature #2817
Feature #2784: Ability to read multiple works
Synchronize verse clicks between the two works
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Updated by Luke Murphey over 4 years ago
- Target version changed from Plus_2 to Plus_1
Updated by Luke Murphey over 4 years ago
This works with the exception of when no verse is selected. In that case, it reloads the page. Once it does this though, it seems to work.
Obs:- When the verse opens, it seems to screw up the loaded works too (and loads both as the second work)
- This works fine when only a single work is open
- This also works fine with the original work; its just the second that has the problem
- onVerseClick() uses the href to route. Somehow, I need this to route to the original work though.
- How does backend make those links?
- Have backend return content with the relative path (descriptor)
- Parse HTML and make a new href; then fire that **
Updated by Luke Murphey over 4 years ago
- Target version changed from Plus_1 to 4.4.0
Updated by Luke Murphey over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100