Bug #2851
Reading page header is partial occluded
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
1. Open http://localhost:8081/work/antiquities-of-the-jews/13/10/6
2. Open parallel work; note that header is invisible
Updated by Luke Murphey over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Adding more margin to the buffer does not help
- Appears that scroll is messed up on "ui container underMenu inverted"
- Showing the scroll makes it clear that it just needs to be scrolled
- Can get a simpler repro: http://localhost:8081/work/antiquities-of-the-jews/13/10/6?parallel=antiquitates-judaicae
- This resolves when:
- Remove margin-top from .ui.grid
- Why does this only happen when two works are loaded?
- Could this be due to the length of the document and not the parallel arrangement?
- http://localhost:8081/work/alcibiades-1-alcibiades-2-hipparchus-lovers-theages-charmides-laches-lysis
- Doesn't seem to be related