Bug #2883
Search page loses context of the work
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
- Select a work
- Search a word
- Click back: note that you go to the start page
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 3 years ago
- The link is being made to the search from src/components/WordInformation/index.jsx
- Going back to being executed by src/components/Search/index.jsx::onClickBack()
- This is executing READ_WORK()
- Pushing the example state in https://github.com/remix-run/history/blob/dev/docs/navigation.md doesn't work
- BookSidebar correctly uses state; the src/components/WordInformation/index.jsx does not.
- Is the issue in that the history is not being made correctly or is it that the search isn't going back correctly?
- Seems like linkBackURL is not being constructed
- [No] Is linkBackURL being set?
- location.state is null
- [Yes] Is state being set properly?
- Is location being read properly?
- What do I need to test?
- Search link to work
- Reader: work name change
- Reader: setting of URL
- Back button on:
- About page
- Beta code converter
- Contact me
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed