Bug #434
Importer error when attempting to make verse
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The Perseus importer generates errors on some documents due to an encoding problem. See below for an example of the error:
2012-11-09 01:21:42,533 [ERROR] reader.importer.PerseusBatchImporter: Exception generated when attempting to process file="plut.cat.ma_gk.xml"Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Luke\Workspace\TextCritical.com\src\reader\importer\PerseusBatchImporter.py", line 269, in process_directory if self.__process_file__( os.path.join( root, f) ): File "C:\Users\Luke\Workspace\TextCritical.com\src\reader\importer\PerseusBatchImporter.py", line 223, in __process_file__ return self.process_file(file_path, document_xml, title, author, language) File "C:\Users\Luke\Workspace\TextCritical.com\src\reader\importer\PerseusBatchImporter.py", line 396, in process_file perseus_importer.import_file(file_path) File "C:\Users\Luke\Workspace\TextCritical.com\src\reader\importer\Perseus.py", line 121, in import_file return self.import_xml_document(doc) File "C:\Program Files\Python27\lib\site-packages\django\db\transaction.py", line 209, in inner return func(*args, **kwargs) File "C:\Users\Luke\Workspace\TextCritical.com\src\reader\importer\Perseus.py", line 557, in import_xml_document verses_created = self.make_verses(divisions, current_state_set) File "C:\Users\Luke\Workspace\TextCritical.com\src\reader\importer\Perseus.py", line 575, in make_verses verses_created = verses_created + self.make_verses_for_division(division, state_set) File "C:\Users\Luke\Workspace\TextCritical.com\src\reader\importer\Perseus.py", line 591, in make_verses_for_division division_doc = parseString(division.original_content) File "C:\Program Files\Python27\lib\xml\dom\minidom.py", line 1924, in parseString return expatbuilder.parseString(string) File "C:\Program Files\Python27\lib\xml\dom\expatbuilder.py", line 940, in parseString return builder.parseString(string) File "C:\Program Files\Python27\lib\xml\dom\expatbuilder.py", line 223, in parseString parser.Parse(string, True)
Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago
The import began at 11/9/12 1:21:41.348 AM.
[INFO] reader.importer.PerseusBatchImporter: Importing a Perseus XML file, file_path="C:\Users\Luke\Workspace\TextCritical.com\var\\resources\\Perseus\\Classics\Plutarch\opensource\plut.cat.ma_gk.xml"
It looks like it failed on verse 5 of division 12 of Marcus Cato.
2012-11-09 01:21:42,517 [DEBUG] reader.importer.Perseus: Making verse 5 in division 12 of Marcus Cato
This issue seems to affect 56 works at the current time. These can be identified by running the following search:
sourcetype="django" ERROR UnicodeEncodeError | table file
Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100