Task #418
Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago
For some works, the section descriptors represent line numbers (e.g. Eumenides by Aeschylus). In Perseus, "Aesch. Eum. 131":http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0005%3Acard%3D131 maps to "lines 131-142".
The XML indicates that steps ought to be used in the header:
<refsDecl doctype="TEI.2">
<step refunit="line" from="DESCENDANT (1 L N%1)"/>
Below is a snippet of corresponding content:
<text lang="greek">
<div1 type="episode">
<milestone ed="p" n="1" unit="card"/>
<sp n="*puqia/s">
<l>prw=ton me\n eu)xh=| th=|de presbeu/w qew=n</l>
<l>th\n prwto/mantin *gai=an: e)k de\ th=s *qe/min,</l>
<l>h(\ dh\ to\ mhtro\s deute/ra to/d' e(/zeto</l>
<l>mantei=on, w(s lo/gos tis: e)n de\ tw=| tri/tw|</l>
<l n="5">la/xei, qelou/shs, ou)de\ pro\s bi/an tino/s,</l>
<l>*titani\s a)/llh pai=s *xqono\s kaqe/zeto,</l>
<l>*foi/bh: di/dwsi d' h(\ gene/qlion do/sin</l>
The "card" milestones are the ones that should be listed as a range.
The XML indicates that steps ought to be used in the header:
<refsDecl doctype="TEI.2">
<step refunit="line" from="DESCENDANT (1 L N%1)"/>
Below is a snippet of corresponding content:
<text lang="greek">
<div1 type="episode">
<milestone ed="p" n="1" unit="card"/>
<sp n="*puqia/s">
<l>prw=ton me\n eu)xh=| th=|de presbeu/w qew=n</l>
<l>th\n prwto/mantin *gai=an: e)k de\ th=s *qe/min,</l>
<l>h(\ dh\ to\ mhtro\s deute/ra to/d' e(/zeto</l>
<l>mantei=on, w(s lo/gos tis: e)n de\ tw=| tri/tw|</l>
<l n="5">la/xei, qelou/shs, ou)de\ pro\s bi/an tino/s,</l>
<l>*titani\s a)/llh pai=s *xqono\s kaqe/zeto,</l>
<l>*foi/bh: di/dwsi d' h(\ gene/qlion do/sin</l>
The "card" milestones are the ones that should be listed as a range.