


Content Sources » History » Version 9

Luke Murphey, 07/08/2020 08:41 PM

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h1. Content Sources
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Below are a list of sources of data such as lexicons, lemma definitions, and texts:
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| *Resource*                                                     | *Purpose*                                                   | *Version* | *License* | *Notes* |
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| "Perseus":                 | All works with exception of the LXX and Greek New Testament  | NA        | "Creative Commons ShareAlike 3.0": | Some changes were done to the Perseus works in order to address errors; these are published in "GitHub here": |
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| "Diogenes":  | Ancient texts and Greek lemma definitions                   | 3.1.6     | "GNU General Public License (GPL)": | |
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| "Morph-GNT": | Strong's lexicon                                            | 1.55 (2012-07-18) |           | |
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| "Biola Unbound Bible": | Text for the LXX and Greek New Testament                             | | "CCAT license":          | The morphologically analyzed text of CATSS LXX prepared by CATSS under the direction of R. Kraft (Philadelphia team). See |