


Definition Naming Convention » History » Version 1

Luke Murphey, 04/03/2010 12:53 AM

1 1 Luke Murphey
h2. Definition Name
2 1 Luke Murphey
3 1 Luke Murphey
Definitions must have a name that is composed of three parts: a category, sub-category, and name. The part are separated by periods (like ""). The category and sub-category are important because the user can create exceptions and disable definitions by category or sub-category. Therefore, it is important that you use category names that makes sense; otherwise, the user may disable or enable your definition inadvertently. In some cases a definition may be created for a specific site-group or rule. It is recommended that the definition be named such it is clear it is site-group or rule specific. Oftentimes, this done by appending an underscore to the category name (e.g. "_Acme.InformationLeak.ConfidentialDocumentFound").