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Luke Murphey, 04/03/2010 12:54 AM

ThreatPattern Definitions

ThreatPattern's similar in concept to the signatures used by the Snort IDS system. Below is a sample rule:

        Message="A JPEG file with a RAR file appended was observed";
        Byte="FF D9";
        String="Rar!"; Offset=0;

Definition Verb

The rules start with a action that indicates what the system should do with the rule. The action verbs are as follows:

Verb Operation Notes
Eval Causes the rule to be evaluated but no action taken. Only valid when an Set option is used. Used to set a flag that may be used in another signature (allows the rules to maintain state).
Alert Causes the rule to indicate that a match has been found. Used only to determine if the site may be compromised.
Block Causes the resource to be blocked (end user cannot access) Useful when using a proxy to control access to the servers; this is not currently used yet.

Definitions must have a name that is composed of three parts: a category, sub-category, and name. The part are separated by periods (like ""). The category and sub-category are important because the user can create exceptions and disable definitions by category or sub-category. Therefore, it is important that you use category names that makes sense; otherwise, the user may disable or enable your definition inadvertently.

In some cases a definition may be created for a specific site-group or rule. It is recommended that the definition be named such it is clear it is site-group or rule specific. Oftentimes, this done by appending an underscore to the category name (e.g. "_Acme.InformationLeak.ConfidentialDocumentFound").

Definition Body

The definition is composed of options that are used to make conclusions about the data provided. Below is a list of the various options:

Option Required Value Example Description
ID Yes <integer> 10012441
Message Yes <string>
Version <integer> 3
String <string> haxored Looks for the given String value
Regex PCRE /apple/i Looks for the given Regex (in PCRE format)
Bytes Bytes 90 90 90 Looks for the given bytes
Set <string> Sets the given variable (allows rules to maintain state)
UnSet <string> Unsets the given variable (allows rules to maintain state)
IfSet <string> Makes the action dependent upon whether the variable exists
IfNotSet <string> Opposite of above
Distance <string> Sets a maximum depth into the data that the definition will examine (from the
Offset <string> Sets how much data should be skipped from the previous operator
Depth <integer>
Within <string>
ByteTest operation 4 digits >= 128 (hexadecimal) Can accept options such as big-endian, little-endian, hexadecimal, absolute-value and can operate on both digits (character representations of a number) or bytes (integer values)
ByteJump operation 4 bytes (big-endian, align-8) Can accept options such as big-endian, little-endian, hexadecimal, absolute-value, octal, align-4 and align-8 and can operate on both digits (character representations of a number) or bytes (integer values)
Reference <string> url,
BasicEncoding <string> Causes the evaluator to skip character set encoding and treat the data as if it is raw bytes (or ASCII encoded)
IsDataAt <integer>
Toggle <string>
Severity <integer>
ContentType <string>
URI <string>