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Luke Murphey, 04/03/2010 03:46 AM

ThreatPattern Definitions

ThreatPattern's similar in concept to the signatures used by the Snort IDS system.

Definition Verb

The rules start with a action that indicates what the system should do with the rule. The action verbs are as follows:

Verb Operation Notes
Eval Causes the rule to be evaluated but no action taken. Only valid when an Set option is used. Used to set a flag that may be used in another signature (allows the rules to maintain state).
Alert Causes the rule to indicate that a match has been found. Used only to determine if the site may be compromised.
Block Causes the resource to be blocked (end user cannot access) Useful when using a proxy to control access to the servers; this is not currently used yet.

Definitions must have a name that is composed of three parts: a category, sub-category, and name. The part are separated by periods (like ""). The category and sub-category are important because the user can create exceptions and disable definitions by category or sub-category. Therefore, it is important that you use category names that makes sense; otherwise, the user may disable or enable your definition inadvertently.

In some cases a definition may be created for a specific site-group or rule. It is recommended that the definition be named such it is clear it is site-group or rule specific. Oftentimes, this done by appending an underscore to the category name (e.g. "_Acme.InformationLeak.ConfidentialDocumentFound").

Definition Body

The definition is composed of options that are used to make conclusions about the data provided. Below is a list of the various options:

Meta-Data Options

The following options are used to provide information about the definition:

Option Required Value Example Description
ID Yes <integer> ID=10012441
Message Yes <string> Message="Malicious Website Discovered"
Version <integer> Version=3
Reference <string> url, Types of references are: url ,bugtraq, cve, nessus, arachnids, mcafee
Severity <string> Severity="Medium" Must be either low, medium or high and is required if the definition verb is alert or block

Data Analysis Options (Evaluators)

The following options are used to analyze the data:

Option Required Value Example Description
String <string> String=haxored Looks for the given String value
Regex PCRE Regex=/apple/i Looks for the given Regex (in PCRE format)
Byte Bytes Byte=90 90 90 Looks for the given bytes
ContentType PCRE or <string> ContentType=/text.*//i Matches a given content type. The content type is inferred by the scanning engine based upon the file contents, HTTP headers and file extension.
URI <string> URI=""
IgnoreCase Synonymous with "NoCase"
BasicEncoding <string> Causes the evaluator to skip character set encoding and treat the data as if it is raw bytes (or ASCII encoded)
IsDataAt <integer> Determines if data is at the given position (i.e. equates to false if the data stream ends before the value provided)
Offset <integer> Offset=128 Sets how much data should be skipped from the previous operator
Depth <integer> Depth=1024 Sets a maximum depth into the data that the definition will examine (relative to the beginning of the data stream)
Within <integer> Within=512 Sets how many characters or bytes to analyze for the previous option before giving up. This is oftentimes used to increase the performance of definitions by limiting the amount of data they have to analyze.
ByteTest operation 4 digits >= 128 (hexadecimal) Can accept options such as big-endian, little-endian, hexadecimal, absolute-value and can operate on both digits (character representations of a number) or bytes (integer values)
ByteJump operation 4 bytes (big-endian, align-8) Can accept options such as big-endian, little-endian, hexadecimal, absolute-value, octal, align-4 and align-8 and can operate on both digits (character representations of a number) or bytes (integer values)

Variable Options

The following options are used to set and read variables. Variables are values that are set by one definition and can be read by other definitions. For example, one definition could set a variable named "ActiveXFound" if an ActiveX control is found on a page and other definitions that look for specific ActiveX controls can check to determine if the variable "ActiveXFound" exist before bothering to analyze the data for a specific ActiveX control.

Below are the relevant variables:

Option Required Value Example Description
Set <string> Set="IframeFound" Sets the given variable (allows rules to maintain state)
UnSet <string> UnSet="IframeFound" Unsets the given variable (allows rules to maintain state)
IfSet <string> IfSet="ActiveX" Makes the action dependent upon whether the variable exists
IfNotSet <string> IfNotSet="ActiveX" Opposite of above
Toggle <string> Toggle="JavaScriptFound"

How Definitions Analyze Data

A definition is considered a match when all of the evaluators match the data. For example the definition below will match on any combination of both "Foo" and "Bar" (in no particular order):

        Message="Foo Bar Was found";

Evaluators can be made relative to one another by using the Offset or Within options. The following definition will match when data contains "Bar" 4 or more characters after "Foo".

        Message="Foo Bar Was found";
        String="Bar"; Offset=4;

For performance reasons, you may want to place a limit on how many characters the definition will analyze. In the following example, we have added a limit to that causes the definition to only consider the 64 characters after "Foo" when looking for "Bar":

        Message="Foo Bar Was found";
        String="Bar"; Offset=4; Within="64";

Evaluators can be negated using the exclamation mark. The following definition matches when the data contains "Foo" but does not include "Bar" within 64 characters:

        Message="Foo Bar Was found";
        String!="Bar"; Within="64";

Mixed Mode Evaluators

NSIA will not allow evaluators that look for byte patterns to be used relative to evaluators looking for strings unless the BasicEncoding option is used. This is due to the fact that the number of bytes per character is highly variable depending on the charset involved; NSIA does not have a method to accurately account for this. Definitions with evaluators that look for data based on raw bytes and character are referred to as "mixed mode" evaluators and result in undefined behavior. Therefore, a definition such as the one below will be rejected:

        Message="Foo Bar Was found";
        Byte=46 6F 6F ;
        String="Bar"; Offset=4;

However, the following definition would be accepted since the evaluators are not relative to one another:

        Message="Foo Bar Was found";
        Byte=46 6F 6F ;