


Uninstalling NSIA » History » Version 1

Luke Murphey, 04/03/2010 12:30 PM

1 1 Luke Murphey
h1. Uninstalling NSIA
2 1 Luke Murphey
3 1 Luke Murphey
If you installed NSIA with the Windows installer, then simply run the installer to remove NSIA. Note that the uninstaller will leave the database (in <install_directory>/var/database). You can delete the database if you won't need it anymore.
4 1 Luke Murphey
5 1 Luke Murphey
If you installed NSIA via by downloading the zip archive, then simply deleting the directory will remove NSIA. If you installed the Windows service then run the following to stop the service and remove it:
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net stop nsia
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sc delete nsia
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If you installed NSIA as a Unix daemon then make sure to delete /etc/init.d/nsia and the relevant symlinks.