


Test Plan » History » Version 3

Luke Murphey, 11/29/2016 12:55 AM

1 1 Luke Murphey
h1. Test Plan
2 1 Luke Murphey
3 3 Luke Murphey
h2. General
4 3 Luke Murphey
5 3 Luke Murphey
# The app must work with custom root endpoints
6 3 Luke Murphey
# The app has a description
7 3 Luke Murphey
# The app has an icon
8 3 Luke Murphey
# The app is visible
9 3 Luke Murphey
# The app works on all applicable versions of Splunk (6.3+)
10 3 Luke Murphey
## The app uses web.conf to make inputs public which requires 6.2
11 3 Luke Murphey
# The print and edit controls are not displayed on the lister and editor
12 3 Luke Murphey
# The app works with IE, Safari, FireFox, and Chrome
13 3 Luke Murphey
14 1 Luke Murphey
h2. Manager Page
15 1 Luke Murphey
16 1 Luke Murphey
# The checkboxes will check/uncheck accordingly depending on if the settings are set to the defaults or not
17 1 Luke Murphey
18 3 Luke Murphey
h2. Input Editor
19 1 Luke Murphey
20 1 Luke Murphey
# Web proxy works
21 1 Luke Murphey
## The proxy setting is used when using the built-in HTTP client
22 1 Luke Murphey
## The proxy setting is used when using Firefox
23 1 Luke Murphey
# Non-admins can be granted ability to create inputs
24 3 Luke Murphey
## Preview dialog works
25 3 Luke Murphey
### Shows a message when no results were returned
26 3 Luke Murphey
### Shows a message when no fields were returned for a result
27 3 Luke Murphey
### Pagination works
28 3 Luke Murphey
# Input validation works
29 3 Luke Murphey
# An message is shown when an attempt is made to load an input that doesn't exist
30 3 Luke Murphey
# The load_page controller function won't allow proxying unless the user can edit the inputs
31 3 Luke Murphey
# The print and edit controls are not displayed
32 3 Luke Murphey
33 3 Luke Murphey
h2. Input Lister
34 3 Luke Murphey
# The print and edit controls are not displayed
35 3 Luke Murphey
# Inputs can be enabled and disabled