Task #2322
Feature #551: Lexicon support: Liddell and Scott (Middle)
Determine data structure
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Updated by Luke Murphey over 6 years ago
The current format supports the concept of a general list of words but not of lexicons in that you cannot associate words to a particular work (e.g. LSJ).
Some approaches:- New Work model for lexicons
- Importer that produces a Work with divisions setup where it can be used like a lexicon
- A new model that allows a Work to function like a lexicon (like verses being the definitions)
Updated by Luke Murphey over 6 years ago
Here is the structure of the documents:
- div0: letter
- head: letter
- entry: word
- form
- etym
- xr (might mean a cross reference)
- sense (one follows for each stym)
- trans
- entry: word
- head: letter
- Division: letter
- Verse: entry
Updated by Luke Murphey over 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100