Feature #551
Lexicon support: Liddell and Scott (Middle)
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Associated revisions
Breaking out the division level processing to a separate function
Reference #551
Breaking out the division level processing to a separate function
Reference #551
Styling the lexicon content
Reference #551
Styling the lexicon content
Reference #551
Improving support for LSJ
Reference #551
Improving support for LSJ
Reference #551
Making the import policy use a different name for the LSJ work
Reference #551
Making the import policy use a different name for the LSJ work
Reference #551
Updated by Luke Murphey over 11 years ago
See http://stephanus.tlg.uci.edu/lsj/#eid=1&context=lsj for a similar concept.
Updated by Luke Murphey over 11 years ago
- Target version set to 3.0
Updated by Luke Murphey over 11 years ago
<div0 type="alphabetic letter" n="*a"> <head lang="greek">*A</head> <entry key="a)a/atos" type="main" id="n0"> <form> <orth extent="full" lang="greek">a)a/atos</orth> </form> <etym> <foreign lang="greek">a)a/a_tos</foreign> from <foreign lang="greek">a</foreign> privat. <!--a_privat--> <foreign lang="greek">a)a/w.</foreign> </etym> <sense level="0" n="0" id="n0.0"><foreign lang="greek">a)a/a_tos</foreign>: in <usg>Il.</usg> with penult. long, <trans><tr>not to be injured, inviolable</tr></trans>, <foreign lang="greek">nu=n moi o)/mosson a)a/a_ton *stugo\s u(/dwr</foreign>, because the gods swore their most binding oaths thereby. </sense> <etym><foreign lang="greek">a)a/atos</foreign> from <foreign lang="greek">a</foreign> copulat. <!--a_copul-->, <foreign lang="greek">a)a/w.</foreign> </etym> <sense level="0" n="0" id="n0.1"><foreign lang="greek">a)a/atos</foreign>: in <usg>Od.</usg> with penult. short, <trans> <tr>hurtful, perilous, aweful</tr></trans>; <foreign lang="greek">a)/eqlos a)a/atos.</foreign></sense> </entry>
Updated by Luke Murphey over 11 years ago
A database design might look like this:
- lexicon (table)
- letter (table)
- entry (table)
- form (if multiple forms are associated with an entry)
- etymology / sense
- ls id
- level
- translation
- form (if multiple forms are associated with an entry)
- entry (table)
Updated by Luke Murphey about 9 years ago
- Is the id value something significant that must be persisted?
- How is the level attribute used?
- How can references be linked to works in textcritical.com?
Updated by Luke Murphey about 9 years ago
- Subject changed from Lexicon support: Liddel and Scott to Lexicon support: Liddell and Scott
Updated by Luke Murphey about 9 years ago
Need to parse out all of the <usg> tags and include a table that allow them to be referenced to works.
Updated by Luke Murphey over 8 years ago
Updated by Luke Murphey over 6 years ago
- Subject changed from Lexicon support: Liddell and Scott to Lexicon support: Liddell and Scott (Middle)
Updated by Luke Murphey about 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed