Bug #2755
Clicking a verse causes a complete reload
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Associated revisions
Fixing caching issues when merging in verse info
Reference #2755
Code cleanup
Reference #2755
Adding a description of the verse to the output
Reference #2755
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 5 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 70
- How does the history get loaded right now?
- Uses setTimeout in highlightVerse()
- When is updateHistory() called? Would I need to include the ability to set history with this?
- navigateToChapter()
- changeWork()
- onSelectWork()
- changeChapter()
- goToReference()
- goToNextChapter()
- goToPriorChapter()
- From loadChapter() when redirected
- This one could use the verse to highlight
- navigateToChapter()
- Why does highlightOverridden have to exist in Chapter?
- How would I select the verse with https://github.com/remarkablemark/html-react-parser?
- Have onVerseClick() loadChapter directly
- Would not update the URL
- Would not fix history lookup
- [Partial Fix] Keep a history of verses to chapters, don't reload accordingly
- This works, but you need to handle two others things:
- Know what chapter to load when the user changes to another verse in another chapter
- This works, but you need to handle two others things:
- Have a call de-reference the verse before loading it
- Not sure that the call is actually necessary
- [Done] Do I have a way to determine what chapter is loaded?
- The reference list does support this now
- What are the scenarios to test?
- [Done] Load chapter plain, change verse
- [Done] Load chapter, change verse, change to another chapter, change to verse, then use browser back button to go to first chapter
- This doesn't work yet because loadChapter() doesn't use the cached href
- I could make loadChapter use the href, but Chapter doesn't
- [Done] Load chapter/verse, change verse
- [Done] Load chapter, change verse, change chapter, change verse, use browser back button once
- This loads the chapter again because I am not populating the reference list on first load
- I have this working, but it doesn't update all of the UI (like the verse indicator in the reference input nor the highlighted verse
- [Done] Have history push the ID of the verse so that it can be reloaded
- I could do this in componentDidUpdate but I would need to verify that I'm not responding to my own update
- https://reactjs.org/docs/react-component.html#componentdidmount
- I might be able to get this in render()
- This would be in location.state
- I could do this in componentDidUpdate but I would need to verify that I'm not responding to my own update
- Use the match.params to find the verse number and setState accordingly
- I'm not sure how to determine if this URL includes a verse reference though
- [Done] Parse the HTML and select the verse
- Overall, I don't like how verse handling works as it pertains to verses
- Mapping verses to chapters is hard to know (is a verse part of the current chapter?)
- Chapter doesn't know what chapter is loaded and thus include it in the onVerseClick handler
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 5 years ago
Problem: the verse reference doesn't change when the user navigates via the browser back/forth buttons.
Qs:- What states are based on the reference?
- URL (already handled)
- Selected verse (already handled)
- Reference in input box
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 70 to 100