Bug #416
Perseus Importer Doesn't Handle Sectioning Correctly with Multiple Levels of Divs
Eumenides by Aeschylus does not currently import correctly. It seems to be that the importer is not correctly detecting cases where a div does not contain any actual content.
Consider the following snippet:
<div1 type="choral"> <div2 type="strophe" n="1"> <sp><speaker>*xoro/s</speaker> <l>i)alto\s e)k do/mwn e)/ban</l> <l>xoa\s propompo\s o)cu/xeiri su\n ktu/pw|.</l> <l>pre/pei parhi\s foini/ois a)mugmoi=s</l> <l n="25">o)/nuxos a)/loki neoto/mw|:</l> <l>di' ai)w=nos d' i)ugmoi=si bo/sketai ke/ar.</l> <l>linofqo/roi d' u(fasma/twn</l> <l>laki/des e)/fladon u(p' a)/lgesin,</l> <l>proste/rnw| stolmw=|</l> <l n="30">pe/plwn a)gela/stois</l> <l>cumforai=s peplhgme/nwn.</l> <milestone ed="p" n="32" unit="card"/></sp></div2>
This correctly produces two divisions. The first contains the following content:
<div1 type="choral"> </div1>
The second contains the actual content:
<?xml version="1.0" ?><chapter><div2 n="1" type="strophe"> <sp><speaker>*xoro/s</speaker> <l>i)alto\s e)k do/mwn e)/ban</l> ...
The problem is that a verse is created out of the first division since it contains content. However, this verse is empty since no actual verse content is included.
Related issues
Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago
- Subject changed from Perseus Importer Doesn't handle sectioning correctly to Perseus Importer Doesn't Handle Sectioning Correctly with Multiple Levels of Divs
Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago
The problem is that we cannot determine if the verse is going to have content until we begin processing it. We may want to have two references to verses and only save the verse until we get actual content.
Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago
We could delay creation of a verse instance until we get actual verse content (like a milestone or text data). The problem with this is that it is possible to have texts that have divisions but no milestones.
Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago
I currently build up the XML content by attaching it to an XML document. I am testing changes such that where the XML document is appended to even if no verse has yet been created. The content will be included in the verse once it is created.
This way, I don't have to filter out nodes that could trigger creation of a verse until I figure out that a verse should be created.
I may need to create a verse if one does not exist when I see nodes that are clearly indicative of verse content to work with texts that do not have verse milestones.
Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago
- Target version set to 0.1
Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago
This work has the milestone indicators at the end of the prior division:
<milestone ed="p" n="143" unit="card"/> </sp> </div1> <div1 type="choral"> <div2 type="strophe" n="1"> <sp><speaker>*xoro/s</speaker>
I would have expected the milestone to be at the beginning of the following chapter.
Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100