


Feature #403

Perseus Book Importer

Added by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:



Create functions necessary to import Perseus works (TEI).

See for information about the TEI format. Also, see for a gentle introduction to the format.


Bug #440: Importer fails on works with milestone that do not have an indicatorClosedLuke Murphey

Bug #439: Importer fails on works with no state setClosedLuke Murphey

Bug #438: Importer fails on works with no biblStructClosedLuke Murphey

Bug #437: Importer fails on divisions with no typeClosedLuke Murphey

Bug #446: Fix issue where some works import no divisions or versesClosedLuke Murphey

Bug #451: Various import policy changesClosed

Bug #452: Review all worksClosedLuke Murphey

Bug #459: Some works get imported with empty versesClosed

Related issues

Related to - Bug #416: Perseus Importer Doesn't Handle Sectioning Correctly with Multiple Levels of Divs Closed 10/17/2012
Related to - Bug #420: Perseus Importer Gets Nodes Out of Order Closed

Associated revisions

Revision 164 (diff)
Added by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

Updated the scan policy:

  • Euripides now ignores division markers
  • Sophocles' Sophocles uses line counts for division markers

Reference #403.

Revision 164 (diff)
Added by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

Updated the scan policy:

  • Euripides now ignores division markers
  • Sophocles' Sophocles uses line counts for division markers

Reference #403.

Revision 157 (diff)
Added by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

Updated the scan policy:

  • Euripides now ignores division markers
  • Sophocles' Sophocles uses line counts for division markers

Reference #403.


#1 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

Here is an analysis of the TEI document

Sections Header

The header has a list of the sections chunks:

      <refsDecl doctype="TEI.2">
        <state delim="." unit="book"/>
        <state unit="section"/>
      <refsDecl doctype="TEI.2">
        <state delim="." unit="book"/>
        <state delim="." n="chunk" unit="Whiston chapter"/>
        <state unit="Whiston section"/>


The sections are broken up by milestones:

<milestone n="26" unit="section"/>tre/yomai de\ e)pi\ th\n a)fh/ghsin h)/dh tw=n pragma/twn mnhsqei\s pro/teron w(=n peri\ th=s tou= ko/smou kataskeuh=s <pb/>
ei)=pe *mwush=s: tau=ta d' e)n tai=s i(erai=s bi/blois eu(=ron a)nagegramme/na.e)/xei de\ ou(/tws:

<milestone n="1" unit="Whiston chapter"/>
<milestone n="1" unit="Whiston section"/>
<milestone n="27" unit="section"/></p><p>*)en a)rxh=| e)/ktisen o( qeo\s to\n ou)rano\n kai\ th\n gh=n. tau/ths
d' u(p' o)/yin ou)k e)rxome/nhs, a)lla\ baqei= me\n kruptome/nhs sko/tei,
pneu/matos d' au)th\n a)/nwqen e)piqe/ontos, gene/sqai fw=s e)ke/leusen
o( qeo/s.


The div1 node contains the book. The first head contains the name of the book:

<div1 type="Book" n="1">
    <note anchored="yes" type="title" place="inline">*prooi/mion peri\ th=s o(/lhs pragmatei/as.
       <list type="toc">
           <head>*ta/de e)/nestin e)n th=| prw/th| tw=n *)iwsh/pou i(storiw=nth=s *)ioudai+kh=s a)rxaiologi/as.</head>
               <label><num>a</num>.</label><item>h( tou= ko/smou su/stasis kai\ dia/tacis tw=n stoixei/wn.</item>
               <label><num>b</num>.</label><item>peri\ tou= ge/nous *)ada/mou kai\ tw=n a)p' au)tou= de/ka genew=n tw=n me/xri tou= kataklusmou=.</item>      

#2 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress

#3 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

Note that if we parse and store individual words and allow multiple types of sectioning, then we word need to make sure that same references to the words are used so that we don't have to do the lemmatization twice.

#4 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

I added a Django command that allows to import Perseus files from the command-line:

python .\ import_perseus --file C:\Users\Luke\Downloads\TextCritical\Perseus\Classics\Josephus\opensource\j.vit_gk.xml

#5 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

The Westcott NT is one of the more complex texts and has a few things that ought to be considered.


It includes a <encodingDesc> tag seems to have information necessary for adjusting rendering:

    <rendition id="large"> </rendition>
    <rendition id="blockquote"> </rendition>
    <rendition id="header"> </rendition>
    <tagUsage render="header" gi="head"> </tagUsage>
    <tagUsage render="blockquote" gi="q" 
     >     Marks poetical language. within the running text.

    <tagUsage render="large" gi="quote" 
     >     Marks material quoted from other biblical texts.


para milestones

The text also marks paragraphs:

<milestone n="5" unit="verse"/>
     <milestone unit="para"/>*salmw\n de\ e)ge/nnhsen to\n *boe\s e)k th=s *(raxa/b,

      unit="para"/>*boe\s de\ e)ge/nnhsen to\n *)iwbh\d e)k th=s *(rou/q,

<milestone unit="para" 
      />*)iwbh\d de\ e)ge/nnhsen to\n *)iessai/,

These para units are not called out the in the refsDecl:

   <refsDecl doctype="TEI.2">
    <state delim=" " unit="book"/>
    <state delim=":" unit="chapter"/>
    <state unit="verse"/>

#6 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

  • Subject changed from Perseus Importer to Perseus Book Importer

#7 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

Some of the texts (such as Plato in Twelve Volumes, Vol. 1) alternate between speakers:

<castList><castItem type="role"><role>Euthyphro</role></castItem><castItem type="role"><role><placeName key="tgn,2674867">Socrates</placeName></role></castItem></castList>
<milestone unit="page" n="2"/><milestone n="2a" unit="section"/><sp><speaker>Euthyphro</speaker><p>What strange thing has happened, <placeName key="tgn,2674867">Socrates</placeName>, that you have left your accustomed haunts in the Lyceum and are now haunting the portico where the king archon sits?  For it cannot be that you have an action before the king, as I have.</p></sp><sp><speaker>Socrates</speaker><p>Our Athenians, Euthyphro, do not call it an action, but an indictment.</p></sp><sp><speaker>Euthyphro</speaker><p>What?  Somebody has, it seems, brought an indictment against you;
<milestone n="2b" unit="section"/>for I don't accuse you of having brought one against anyone else.</p></sp><sp><speaker>Socrates</speaker><p>Certainly not.</p></sp><sp><speaker>Euthyphro</speaker><p>But someone else against you?</p></sp><sp><speaker>Socrates</speaker><p>Quite so.</p></sp><sp><speaker>Euthyphro</speaker><p>Who is he?</p></sp><sp><speaker>Socrates</speaker><p>I don't know the man very well myself, Euthyphro, for he seems to be a young and unknown person.  His name, however, is Meletus, I believe.  And he is of the deme of Pitthus, if you remember any Pitthian Meletus, with long hair and only a little beard, but with a hooked nose.</p></sp><sp><speaker>Euthyphro</speaker><p>I don't remember him, Socrates.  But
<milestone n="2c" unit="section"/>what sort of an indictment has he brought against you?</p></sp><sp><speaker>Socrates</speaker><p>What sort?  No mean one, it seems to me;  for the fact that, young as he is, he has apprehended so important a matter reflects no small credit upon him.  For he says he knows how the youth are corrupted and who those are who corrupt them.  He must be a wise man;  who, seeing my lack of wisdom and that I am corrupting his fellows, comes to the State, as a boy runs to his mother, to accuse me.  And he seems to me to be the only one of the public men who begins in the right way;  for the right way
<milestone n="2d" unit="section"/>is to take care of the young men first, to make them as good as possible, just as a good husbandman will naturally take care of the young plants first and afterwards of the rest.  And so Meletus, perhaps, is first
<milestone unit="page" n="3"/><milestone n="3a" unit="section"/>clearing away us who corrupt the young plants, as he says;  then after this, when he has turned his attention to the older men, he will bring countless most precious blessings upon the State,&mdash;at least, that is the natural outcome of the beginning he has made.</p></sp><sp><speaker>Euthyphro</speaker><p>I hope it may be so, Socrates;  but I fear the opposite may result.  For it seems to me that he begins by injuring the State at its very heart, when he undertakes to harm you.  Now tell me, what does he say you do that corrupts the young?
<milestone n="3b" unit="section"/></p></sp><sp><speaker>Socrates</speaker><p>Absurd things, my friend, at first hearing.  For he says I am a maker of gods;  and because I make new gods and do not believe in the old ones, he indicted me for the sake of these old ones, as he says.</p></sp><sp><speaker>Euthyphro</speaker><p>I understand, Socrates;  it is because you say the divine monitor keeps coming to you.  So he has brought the indictment against you for making innovations in religion, and he is going into court to slander you, knowing that slanders on such subjects are readily accepted by the people.  Why, they even laugh at me and say I am crazy
<milestone n="3c" unit="section"/>when I say anything in the assembly about divine things and foretell the future to them.  And yet there is not one of the things I have foretold that is not true;  but they are jealous of all such men as you and I are.  However, we must not be disturbed, but must come to close quarters with them.</p></sp><sp><speaker>Socrates</speaker><p>My dear Euthyphro, their ridicule is perhaps of no consequence.  For the Athenians, I fancy, are not much concerned, if they think a man is clever, provided he does not impart his clever notions to others;  but when they think he makes others to be like himself,
<milestone n="3d" unit="section"/>they are angry with him, either through jealousy, as you say, or for some other reason.</p></sp><sp><speaker>Euthyphro</speaker><p>I don't much desire to test their sentiments toward me in this matter.</p></sp><sp><speaker>Socrates</speaker><p>No, for perhaps they think that you are reserved and unwilling to impart your wisdom.  But I fear that because of my love of men they think that I not only pour myself out copiously to anyone and everyone without payment, but that I would even pay something myself, if anyone would listen to me.  Now if, as I was saying just now, they were to laugh at me, as you say they do at you, it would not be at all unpleasant
<milestone n="3e" unit="section"/>to pass the time in the court with jests and laughter;  but if they are in earnest, then only soothsayers like you can tell how this will end.</p></sp><sp><speaker>Euthyphro</speaker><p>Well, Socrates, perhaps it won't amount to much, and you will bring your case to a satisfactory ending, as I think I shall mine.</p></sp><sp><speaker>Socrates</speaker><p>What is your case, Euthyphro? Are you defending or prosecuting?</p></sp><sp><speaker>Euthyphro</speaker><p>Prosecuting.</p></sp><sp><speaker>Socrates</speaker><p>Whom?
<milestone unit="page" n="4"/><milestone n="4a" unit="section"/></p></sp><sp>

Oddly, this document also claims to contain two languagse though it clearly contains only English:

<language id="en">English</language>
<language id="greek">Greek</language>

#8 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

I am getting the faint feeling that I am doing this wrong. I think the best approach would be to break up the XML into chunks and simply save the chunks as verses. Then I could choose how to render the text later. This would be useful because I could add support for other works later on.

Perhaps I could convert the tags to span tags with a class that includes the tagname. Something like <speaker>Euthyphro</speaker> could be stored as <span class="text_speaker">Euthyphro</span>. Whatever work is done at view time could be cached to reduce performance impact.

#9 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

I'm updating the model to support late-binding. In this design, the imports will work like this:

  1. Extract the meta-data from the work
  2. Chunk the work into chapters; store XML segments in chapter
  3. Build sections index
  4. Extract verses from chapter XML segments (or process into viewable content at view time)

This way, I only have to get the chunking right. After that, I can rebuild the verse content as I need to support XML nodes necessary for rendering.

#10 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

Here is a good introduction to the TEI document format:

#11 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#12 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

Still need to handle divisions. According to the book can be broken into numbered (div, div2, etc.) or unnumbered divs (div).

#13 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#14 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

I am working to import the various works of Josephus. Below are the works that I have successfully imported (along with the stateset used):

  • Contra Apione: *
  • De bello Judaico libri: 1
  • Josephi vita: *
  • Antiquitates Judaicae: 1

#15 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

Antiquitates Judaicae 2 verse 1 seems to include an error. The first verse is: "὏περ" which should presumably be "υπερ".

#16 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

May want to consider converting the content to HTML5 Microdata

#17 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

Aratus' Phaenomena does not include chapter objects but includes lb objects instead:

   <div1 type="book" n="1">
   <p><pb id="p.380"/>
   <lb type="displayNum" n="1"/>e)k *dio\s a)rxw/mesqa, to\n ou)de/pot' a)/ndres e)w=men
   <lb type="displayNum" n="2"/>a)/rrhton: mestai\ de/ *dio\s pa=sai me\n a)guiai/,

The lb instances are linebreaks per

#18 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

I'm going to need a better method for processing the original contents for viewing. These are the options:

XLST: use the browser to process the original content into something viewable
  • Con: may not work on all browsers
  • Con: difficult to employ without using AJAX
  • Pro: clean separation between importation and viewing
Microdata: convert content into XML that can be rendered by a browser using Microdata
  • Con: will lose some resolution since not all of the data can be represented in Microdata
  • Pro: fairy straightforward conversion from original content into something renderable
Markdown: convert the content into Markdown (or something similar) that can be rendered
  • Con: will lose some data since not everything can be readily rendered in Microdata
  • Pro: the content in the tables will be straightforward to render
Rich HTML: convert the HTML directly into HTML
  • Pro: does not lose data
  • Con: means that rendering must be done at view time which will impact performance

#19 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

The HTML5 data attributes would be a good fit. I should be able to migrate most of the content from the XML over into HTML5 compliant content. See below for details:

#20 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

I have implemented a converter that produces HTML5 compliant snippets from the original TEA document.


    <head>*(ikanw=s <num ref="some_ref">d</num> me\n </head>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><verse><span data-tagname="verse">
    <span data-tagname="head">Ἱκανῶς <span data-ref="some_ref" data-tagname="num">δ</span> μὲν </span>

I did notice however, that some things ought not to be converted from beta-code, such at the <num> node. Will need to handle this.

#21 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 60

#22 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

  • Start date deleted (09/02/2012)
  • % Done changed from 60 to 80

#23 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

Successfully imported 392 works with 17 that could not be imported errors.

#24 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

All but one import now:

2012-11-16 03:12:26,824 [INFO] reader.importer.PerseusBatchImporter: Import complete, files_imported=408, import_errors=1, duration=2925

The import took 48 minutes.

#25 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed

#26 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to In Progress

#27 Updated by Luke Murphey over 12 years ago

Updated the import policy:

  • Euripides now ignores division markers
  • Sophocles' Ichneutae uses line counts for division markers

These changes have been verified as successful.

#28 Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed

Also available in: Atom PDF