Bug #424
Multiple milestone types are treated as equivalent verses
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Ars Rhetorica By Aristides, Aelius renders oddly due to sections and sub-sections being treated as verses. The sections need to treated as divisions.
Associated revisions
Fixed issue where works with multiple milestones don't break correctly. Closes #424.
Fixed issue where works with multiple milestones don't break correctly. Closes #424.
Fixed issue where works with multiple milestones don't break correctly. Closes #424.
Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago
- Target version set to 0.1
Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago
This work has sections and sub-sections:
<div1 type="book" n="1"><head>peri\ politikou= lo/gou</head> <div2 type="chapter" n="Arg"> <p> <milestone unit="section" n="1"/></p> <milestone unit="subsection" n="1"/><p>ta/de soi peri\ tw=n i)dew=n kai\ a)retw=n e)c w(=n suni/statai o( politiko\s lo/gos, kai\ di' w(=n dokima/zetai, kai\ pollou= a)/cios proa/getai, w(/sper e)k merw=n kaq' e(/kaston suntiqe/menos, pantaxo/qen o(lo/klhros kai\ telei/ws e)/xwn au)to\s e)n e(autw=|, ai(/tines toiai/de kai\ tosai/de ei)si/, semno/ths, baru/ths, peribolh/, a)ciopisti/a, sfodro/ths, e)/mfasis, deino/ths, e)pime/leia, gluku/ths, safh/neia kai\ kaqaro/ths, braxu/ths kai\ suntomi/a, ko/lasis.</p></div2>
Perseus treats the sections as divisions. See http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A2008.01.0589%3Atext%3D56%3Abook%3D1%3Achapter%3DArg%3Asection%3D1%3Asubsection%3D1.
Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago
- Subject changed from Various Import Problems with Ars Rhetorica to Multiple milestone types are treated as equivalent verses
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to Luke Murphey
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 50 to 100