Bug #429
Table of contents URLs are incorrect on reading page
The reading does not construct correct URLs in the TOC because it does not include both the division and chapter descriptors. See Placita Philosophorum By Plutarch for an example.
Associated revisions
Fixed issue where the read work page did not construct correct URLs for works with multiple levels of divisions. Reference #429.
Fixed issue where the read work page did not construct correct URLs for works with multiple levels of divisions. Reference #429.
Fixed issue where the read work page did not construct correct URLs for works with multiple levels of divisions. Reference #429.
Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Elegy and Iambus is another good example.
Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago
The problem is that indicators are inherently ambiguous. The descriptor "1.2" could refer to one division and a chapter, or two high-level divisions. I think the solution is to try to match up the descriptors to divisions and take the highest level version.
Thus, "1.2" ought to return the highest division where a division has a descriptor of 2 and a parent with a descriptor of 1.
Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago
The difficulty here is that the reference must be consider how many levels are available. "1.2" cannot just be considered as referencing any division has a descriptor of 2 and a parent with a descriptor of 1. Rather, the "1" must refer to a division at the highest level. This means that the division levels must be accurate.
Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago
Actually, I could make this work without having the level numbers add up perfectly. For the example of "1.2", I could query for:
Division.objects.filter(parent_division__parent_division=None, parent_division__descriptor=1, division__descriptor=2)
I would need to make sure that the top most division does not have a parent which would indicate it is the top most division.
Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 20
Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago
"Athenian Constitution" seems to have this issue. So does "Elegy and Iambus, Volume I".
Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago
- % Done changed from 20 to 50
This works now. However, I found some problems.
In Elegy and Iambus, the TOC has entries like "οτηερ" which is "other" in a Greek script. The problem is that there is more than one section with the same title slug.
Perseus doesn't list these categories (see http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3atext%3a2008.01.0477).
Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago
"Elegy and Iambus" are in 1_gk.xml and 2_gk.xml.
Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago
Perseus has the following in the TOC:
- Σόλονος
- section 1
- ά Ἐλεγείων
- Ἔπων
- Β´ Τετραμέτρων
- Γ́ Ιάμβων
- unknown meters
While we have:
- Σόλονος
- 65
- Α/ Ἐλεγείων
- Σαλαμίς
- οτηερ
- πρὸς Μίμνερμον
- οτηερ
- Ἔπων
- Β/ Τετραμέτρων
- */γ Ιάμβων
- υνκνοων μετερς
The following are included by us but not by Perseus:
◦πρὸς Μίμνερμον
<div2 type="section"><!--fragments--><head>*a/ *)elegei/wn</head> <div3 type="book"><head>*salami/s</head> <div4 type="elegiac" n="1-3"> <cit id="tlg-0263.cit.17"><quote>e)pei\ de\ makro/n tina kai\ dusxerh= po/lemon oi( e)n a)/stei peri\ th=s *salamini/wn nh/sou *megareu=si polemou=ntes e)ce/kamon kai\ no/mon e)/qento mh/te gra/yai tina\ mh/t' ei/pei=n au)=qis w(s xrh\ th\n po/lin a)ntipoiei=sqai th=s *salami=nos, h)\ qana/tw| zhmiou=sqai, *bare/ws fe/rwn th\n a)doci/an o( *so/lwn kai\ tw=n ne/wn o(rw=n pollou\s deome/nous a)rxh=s e)pi\ to\n po/lemon, au)tou\s de\ mh\ qarrou=ntas a)/rcasqai dia\ to\n no/mon, e)skh/yato me\n e)/kstasin tw=n logismw=n, kai\ lo/gos ei)s th\n po/lin e)k th=s oi)ki/as diedo/qh parakinhtikw=s e)/xein au)to/n, e)legei=a de\ kru/fa sunqei\s kai\ meleth/sas w(/ste le/gein a)po\ sto/matos, e)ceph/dhsen ei)s th\n a)gora\n a)/fnw pili/dion periqe/menos. o)/xlou de\ pollou= sundramo/ntos a)naba\s e)pi\ to\n tou= kh/rukos li/qon e)n w)dh=| diech=lqe th\n e)legei/an h(=s e)stin a)rxh/: <cit id="tlg-0263.cit.18"><quote> <l>*au)to\s kh=ruc h)=lqon a)f' i(merth=s *salami=nos,</l> <l>ko/smon e)pe/wn w)|dh\n a)nt' a)gorh=s qe/menos.</l></quote><bibl>CURFRAG.tlg-0263.1</bibl></cit> <p>tou=to to\ poi/hma *salami\s e)pige/graptai kai\ sti/xwn e(kato/n e)sti, xarie/ntws pa/nu pepoihme/non. to/te d' a)|sqe/ntos au)tou= kai\ tw=n fi/lwn tou= *so/lwnos a)rcame/nwn e)painei=n, ma/lista de\ tou= *peisistra/tou toi=s poli/tais e)gkeleuome/nou kai\ parormw=ntos pei/qesqai tw=| le/gonti, lu/santes to\n no/mon au)=qis h(/ptonto tou= pole/mou prosthsa/menoi to\n *so/lwna.</p> </quote> <bibl>Plut. <title>Vit. Sol.</title> 8</bibl></cit> </div4> <div4 type="elegiac" n="2,3"> <cit id="tlg-0263.cit.19"><quote>. . . ou(=tos mai/nesqai prospoihsa/menos kai\ stefanwsa/menos ei)se/paisen ei)s th\n a)gora/n, e)/nqa toi=s *)aqhnai/ois a)ne/gnw dia\ kh/rukos ta\ suntei/nonta peri\ *salami=nos e)legei=a kai\ parw/rmhsen au)tou/s, kai\ au)=is pro\s *megare/as e)pole/mhsan kai\ e)ni/kwn dia\ *so/lwna. h)=n de\ ta\ e)legei=a ta\ ma\lista kaqaya/mena tw=n *)aqhnai/wn ta/de: <cit id="tlg-0263.cit.20"><quote> <l>ei)/hn dh\ to/t' e)gw\ *folega/ndrios h)\ *sikinh/ths</l> <l>a)nti/ g' *)aqhnai/ou, patri/d' a)meiya/menos:</l> <l>ai)=ya ga\r a)\n fa/tis h(/de met' a)nqrw/poisi ge/noito:</l> <l>*)attiko\s ou(=tos a)nh\r tw=n *salaminafetw=n.<!--note n="p.116.n.1"/--></l></quote><bibl>CURFRAG.tlg-0263.2</bibl></cit> <p>ei)=ta:</p> <cit id="tlg-0263.cit.21"><quote> <l>i)/omen ei)s *salami=na, maxhso/menoi peri\ nh/sou</l> <l>i(merth=s, xalepo/n t' ai)=sxos a)pwso/menoi.</l></quote> <bibl>CURFRAG.tlg-0263.3</bibl></cit> </quote> <bibl>Diog. L.i.2.2</bibl></cit> </div4></div3> <div3 type="book"><head><foreign lang="en">Other</foreign></head> <div4 type="elegiac" n="4">
Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago
The extra nodes appear to be div3 nodes. These nodes are of types that are not included in the refsDecl.
Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 50 to 100