


Feature #466

Lemma lookup

Added by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.

Target version:
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% Done:



Create the ability to lookup a Greek word and get a parse.


Task #471: Diogenes Lemma ImporterClosedLuke Murphey

Task #472: Lemma lookup REST APIClosedLuke Murphey

Bug #480: Make morphology lookups insenstive to browser differencesClosedLuke Murphey

Bug #481: Make morphology lookups not dependent on caseClosedLuke Murphey

Bug #482: Do not list spaces as words for morphology lookupsClosedLuke Murphey

Bug #483: Do not include puncutation as part of in words for morphological lookupsClosedLuke Murphey

Task #484: Set style of word morphology linksClosedLuke Murphey

Task #473: Lemma lookup popupsClosedLuke Murphey

Task #479: Diogenes Analyses ImporterClosedLuke Murphey

Bug #492: Analysis entries are not matching the extraction regular expressionClosedLuke Murphey

Feature #491: Support lemma lookups on basic formsClosedLuke Murphey

Bug #493: Morphlogical parsing results in redundant rowsClosedLuke Murphey


#1 Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago

The format of Diogenes' greek-lemmata file is as follows:

Lexical Form\tNumber\tForm(info_list)

Below is an example:

a(/bra    537850    a(/bra (fem nom/voc/acc dual) (fem nom/voc sg (attic doric aeolic))    a(/brai (fem nom/voc pl) (fem dat sg (attic doric aeolic))    a(/brais (fem dat pl)    a(/bran (fem acc sg (attic doric aeolic))    a(/bras (fem acc pl) (fem gen sg (attic doric aeolic))    a(/bra| (fem nom/voc pl) (fem dat sg (attic doric aeolic))    a(bra=n (fem gen pl (doric aeolic))    a(brw=n (fem gen pl)
a(/bruna    575884    a(/bruna (neut nom/voc/acc pl)
a(/dhma    1744787    a(/dhma (neut nom/voc/acc sg)

Greek analyses:

Lexical form\t{Identifier Unknown Form1,Form2\tDefinition\tAttributes}

!a/bais    {49671719 9 a_(/bais,h(/bh    youthful prime    fem dat pl (doric)}
!a/brois    {30699944 9 e)/brois,e)/bros    he-goat    masc dat pl}
!a/can    {1504414 9 a)/can,a)/gw    lead    aor part act neut nom/voc/acc sg}
!a/cin    {38523404 9 e)/cin,e)/ceimi2    sum    imperf ind act 3rd pl (epic)}
!a/cios    {11409341 9 a)/cios,a)/cios    counterbalancing    masc nom sg}

#2 Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago

It looks like Diogenes doesn't include all forms. I don't see participles for example.

#3 Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago

Still seeing duplicate entries for some lookups. Look up προσδοκῶν in Acts 3:5 for an example.

#4 Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Assignee set to Luke Murphey

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