


Task #499

Improve performance of the reading page

Added by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:



Look for ways to increase the performance of the read work page through database indexing.

Associated revisions

Revision 298 (diff)
Added by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago

Added additional database indexing to improve performance. Closes #499.

Revision 298 (diff)
Added by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago

Added additional database indexing to improve performance. Closes #499.

Revision 290 (diff)
Added by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago

Added additional database indexing to improve performance. Closes #499.


#1 Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago

Might want to index:

  • Division::descriptor (to improve performance of get_division)
  • Division::sequence_number (since this is sorted to find the first chapter)
  • Verse::indicator (since a search is done on this field when a verse is highlighted)
  • Division::readable_unit (since get_chapter_for_division does a query on this field)

#2 Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago

Indexing Division::descriptor improved get_division from about 0.0040 seconds to 0.0025:

create index "reader_division_descriptor" ON "reader_division" ("descriptor")

Indexing the sequence number didn't seem to do too much:

create index "reader_division_sequence_number" ON "reader_division" ("sequence_number")

Indexing readable_unit did seem to improved performance (from 0.012 to 0.004 seconds):

create index "reader_division_readable_unit" ON "reader_division" ("readable_unit")

Indexing verse indicators did not seem to do much if anything even for the performance of queries looking for a particular verse:

create index "reader_verse_indicator" ON "reader_verse" ("indicator")

#3 Updated by Luke Murphey about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Applied in changeset r298.

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