Task #573
Feature #552: Provide English translations of Greek works
Task #555: Configure import policy
Import works of Homer
Associated revisions
The importer no longer fails when divisions do not have descriptors that indicate line numbers. This change was necessary in order to import the works of Homer. Reference #573.
The importer no longer fails when divisions do not have descriptors that indicate line numbers. This change was necessary in order to import the works of Homer. Reference #573.
The importer no longer fails when divisions do not have descriptors that indicate line numbers. This change was necessary in order to import the works of Homer. Reference #573.
The importer now properly assigns the line numbers for divisions that are in a new section that resets line numbers to start one (indicating that the line numbers start over). Closes #573.
The importer now properly assigns the line numbers for divisions that are in a new section that resets line numbers to start one (indicating that the line numbers start over). Closes #573.
The importer now properly assigns the line numbers for divisions that are in a new section that resets line numbers to start one (indicating that the line numbers start over). Closes #573.
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Need to use line numbers, The Iliad contains beta-code of Greek words but these cannot be looked up. The Odyssey contains empty division descriptors (see paginator).
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
Got some more problems:
- Iliad (Murray), Odyssey (Murray), Iliad (Butler): is taking division markers as line numbers
- Iliad (Butler): scroll is not associated with the chapter
- Odyssey (Butler): the pagination is broken and the divisions are not present
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
Relevant links on Perseus:
- Odyssey: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3atext%3a1999.01.0136
- Illiad (Butler): http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3atext%3a1999.01.0217
- Odyssey (Butler): http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3atext%3a1999.01.0218
- Illiad: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3atext%3a1999.01.0134
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
I need to only set the division titles to the line number description if the division contains actual verses.
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
I could set the line number as I make the verses from the divisions. The problem is that the code for updating the line number is currently handled by the import context which is not currently used when iterating and making the verses.
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
close_division sets the division titles to the line numbers
use_line_numbers_for_division_titles determines if line numbers ought to be used
get_line_count gets the line numbers from an XML node
get_line_count_recursive called by get_line_count to get a line count
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
The problem isn't what I thought it was. The problem is that at least some of these works (Butler's Odyssey for example) do no include a card node under the main div (e.g. "Scroll 1"). To the importer, this looks like the first set of lines.
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 80
The works now import correctly using a new method of assigning division labels with the exception of The Illiad which fails to label the major divisions correctly.
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
We could create a new card division that is required before a line milestone. I could also restart the line number whenever a new division is observed.
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
The importer needs to reset the line counts once a line number of one is observed following a new division.
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
The Illiad is almost done. Only things left to do is:
- Fix issue where selecting a major division ("Scroll") does not update the jump reference
- Get the divisions to get parents of the cards sections
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
All are importing with the correct division levels with the exception of Butler's Odyssey. It shows breaks by number, however, clicking next sends you to a division that doesn't exist. Plus, there appears to be hidden divisions containing line numbers. Go to "20.184" to see one.
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
The problem is that the major divisions have content in Butler's Odyssey.
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
A bunch of the notes are simply set to "1" in the English version of Odyssey.
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
Book 1 lines 178-229 of Odyssey seem to correspond to Scroll 1 lines 1-96 in Butler's version.
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
The content in the lines in Butler's works that are not visible are not available on Perseus either: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Hom.+Od.+1.1&fromdoc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0218
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
Butler's Odyssey is missing the first card element. Note that import starts importing at the first card element (the last node in the snippet below):
<div1 type="Book" n="1">
<head>Scroll 1</head>
<p><milestone n="1" unit="line"/>Tell
me, O Muse, of that many-sided hero who traveled far and wide after
he had sacked the famous town of <placeName key="tgn,7002329">Troy</placeName>. Many cities did he visit, and
many were the people with whose customs and thinking
[<term lang="xgreek">noos</term>] he was acquainted; many things he suffered at
sea while seeking to save his own life [<term lang="xgreek">psukhê</term>]
and to achieve the safe homecoming [<term lang="xgreek">nostos</term>] of his
companions; but do what he might he could not save his men, for they
perished through their own sheer recklessness in eating the cattle of
the Sun-god Helios; so the god prevented them from ever reaching
home. Tell me, as you have told those who came before me, about all
these things, O daughter of Zeus, starting from whatsoever point you
<p><milestone n="11" unit="line"/>So now all who escaped death in
battle or by shipwreck had got safely home except Odysseus, and he,
though he was longing for his return [<term lang="xgreek">nostos</term>] to his
wife and country, was detained by the goddess Calypso, who had got
him into a large cave and wanted to marry him. But as years went by,
there came a time when the gods settled that he should go back to
<placeName key="tgn,1007519">Ithaca</placeName>; even then, however, when he was among his own people, his
trials [<term lang="xgreek">athloi</term>] were not yet over; nevertheless all
the gods had now begun to pity him except Poseidon, who still
persecuted him without ceasing and would not let him get
<p><milestone n="22" unit="line"/>Now Poseidon had gone off to the
Ethiopians, who are at the world's end, and lie in two halves,
the one looking West and the other East. He had gone there to accept
a hecatomb of sheep and oxen, and was enjoying himself at his
festival; but the other gods met in the house of Olympian Zeus, and
the sire of gods and men spoke first. At that moment he was thinking
of Aigisthos, who had been killed by Agamemnon's son Orestes; so
he said to the other gods:</p>
<p><milestone n="32" unit="line"/>"See now, how men consider us gods
responsible [<term lang="xgreek">aitioi</term>] for what is after all nothing but
their own folly. Look at Aigisthos; he must needs make love to
Agamemnon's wife unrighteously and then kill Agamemnon, though
he knew it would be the death of him; for I sent Hermes to warn him
not to do either of these things, inasmuch as Orestes would be sure
to take his revenge when he grew up and wanted to return home. Hermes
told him this in all good will but he would not listen, and now he
has paid for everything in full."</p>
<milestone ed="p" unit="card"/> {code}
I need to have the ability to infer a card node at the first milestone if one does not exist.
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 80 to 100
Applied in changeset r434.