


Task #575

Feature #552: Provide English translations of Greek works

Task #555: Configure import policy

Import works of Polybius

Added by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago. Updated almost 12 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Associated revisions

Revision 416 (diff)
Added by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago

Works of Polybius can now be imported. Closes #575.

Revision 416 (diff)
Added by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago

Works of Polybius can now be imported. Closes #575.

Revision 406 (diff)
Added by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago

Works of Polybius can now be imported. Closes #575.


#1 Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago

The problem is that some notes exist before the verse milestone:

<div1 id="b15" type="book" n="15">
<p><note anchored="yes" type="summary" place="inline" resp="ess">A slight success on the part of the Carthaginian fleet at
Utica (<ref target="b14c10" targOrder="U">14, 10</ref>) had been more than outweighed by the capture
of Syphax by Laelius [<bibl n="Liv. 39.11">Livy, 39, 11</bibl>].  Negotiations for peace
followed, and an armistice, in the course of which occurred the
incident referred to in the first extract of this book.</note></p>
<div2 id="b15c1" type="chapter" n="1">
<head>Speech of Roman Envoys At Carthage</head>
<p>THE Carthaginians having seized the transport

Perseus just ignores these and I probably will too.

#2 Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago

Book 17 doesn't show up but it turns out this is missing from the work. Chapter 34 is named "Geographical Fragments" but Perseus has this with the same title.

#3 Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Applied in changeset r416.

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