Task #591
Feature #552: Provide English translations of Greek works
Task #559: Make translation reference for relating different versions of the same document
Reimport Josephus' Works in English
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
- Against Apion
- The Life of Flavius Josephus
- The Wars of the Jews
- Antiquities of the Jews
Associated revisions
Fixed importation of Josephus' English works. Closes #591.
Fixed importation of Josephus' English works. Closes #591.
Fixed importation of Josephus' English works. Closes #591.
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
You can delete existing works with this:
from reader.models import Work Work.objects.filter(language="English", authors__name="Flavius Josephus").delete()
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
I created the connections between the works of Josephus in Greek and English with the following code:
from reader.models import Work, RelatedWork ap_eng = Work.objects.get(title_slug="against-apion") ap_grk = Work.objects.get(title_slug="contra-apionem") if RelatedWork.are_divisions_identical(ap_eng, ap_grk): RelatedWork.make_related_work(ap_eng, ap_grk) an_grk = Work.objects.get(title_slug="antiquitates-judaicae") an_eng = Work.objects.get(title_slug="antiquities-of-the-jews") if RelatedWork.are_divisions_identical(an_grk, an_eng): RelatedWork.make_related_work(an_grk, an_eng) jv_grk = Work.objects.get(title_slug="the-life-of-flavius-josephus") jv_eng = Work.objects.get(title_slug="josephi-vita") if RelatedWork.are_divisions_identical(jv_grk, jv_eng): RelatedWork.make_related_work(jv_grk, jv_eng) wars_grk = Work.objects.get(title_slug="de-bello-judaico-libri-vii") wars_eng = Work.objects.get(title_slug="the-wars-of-the-jews") if RelatedWork.are_divisions_identical(wars_grk, wars_eng): RelatedWork.make_related_work(wars_grk, wars_eng)
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset r458.
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from Closed to In Progress
- % Done changed from 100 to 50
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
Existing indexes were deleted with the following:
from reader.contentsearch import WorkIndexer from whoosh.qparser import QueryParser inx = WorkIndexer.get_index() parser = QueryParser("content", inx.schema) inx.delete_by_query(parser.parse(u'work:antiquities-of-the-jews OR work:against-apion OR work:the-life-of-flavius-josephus OR work:the-wars-of-the-jews')) writer = inx.writer() writer.commit(optimize=True)
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
Indexes were rebuilt using:
from reader.models import Work from reader.contentsearch import WorkIndexer works = Work.objects.filter(language="English", authors__name="Flavius Josephus") for work in works: WorkIndexer.index_work(work)
Updated by Luke Murphey almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 50 to 100